- 28 October 2018
- (?), Jan Roelofs Lubbinge b. circa 1675, d. between 1739 and 1743Ariensdr, Maertgen b. circa 1627, d. 1693Bartelds, Jan b. circa 1640, d. circa 1725Bartolds, Hnerick b. circa 1638Bos, Lummigje Harms b. 1786, d. 1855Bosch, Harm Hendriks b. 1757, d. 1833Bosch, Hendrik Harms b. 1798, d. 1831Coerds, Lubbigje b. 1761Coerts, Jan b. 1764Henricx, Bartolt b. circa 1600, d. circa 1685Herberts, Grietje b. circa 1585, d. after 1652Jans, Aaltje b. 1733, d. 1767Jans, Albert b. circa 1681Jans, Barteld b. circa 1675Jans, Jan b. after 1700Jans, Jannes b. circa 1679Jans, Jantje b. circa 1600Jans, Koert b. 1740, d. before 1798Jans, Lefert b. circa 1677, d. circa 1720Jans, NN2 b. after 1700Leferts, Hendrik b. after 1700, d. after 1757Leferts, Jan b. circa 1700Leferts, NN1 b. after 1700Leffers, Geertje b. circa 1642Leffers, Hilligje b. after 1705Linde, Koert Koerts b. 1771Linde, Lefert Jans b. circa 1730Linde, Roelof Lefferts b. circa 1710Lubbinge, Geert Jans b. circa 1712, d. 1751Lubbinge, Hendrik b. circa 1710Lubbinge, Hendrik Kans b. circa 1710Lubbinge, Jentje Jans b. circa 1701Lubbinge, Lubbigje Jans b. circa 1701Lubbinge, Roelof Jans b. circa 1700Prins, Grietje Roelofs b. 1745Roelofse, Marghijn b. circa 1677, d. circa 1756Rouw, Berent Jans b. 1744Rouw, Roelof Jans b. 1747Steenbergen, Zwaantje Arends b. 1760van der Vlies, Arij Jacobszoon b. circa 1660van der Vlies, Cornelis b. circa 1632van der Vlies, Cornelis Abraham b. circa 1585van der Vlies, Herbert Cornelisz b. circa 1610van der Vlies, Jacob Cornelis b. circa 1624, d. before 1704van der Vlies, Pieter Jacobsz? b. circa 1666van der Vlies, Willem Cornelisz b. before 1650Veeningen, Hendrikje Jans b. circa 1803, d. 1831
- 21 October 2018
Martens, Arendje b. 1670Moses, Baeltie b. 1670Moses, Claes Maertensz b. 1668Moses, Maerten Claesz b. circa 1640Moses, Wouter Doensz b. 1668Neuteboom, Claertie b. 1659Neuteboom, Cornelis b. 1700Neuteboom, Crijn b. 1705Neuteboom, Krijntje (Pieters?) d. circa 1734Neuteboom, Maertie b. 1661Neuteboom, Pieter Cornelis b. 1665Neuteboom, Wouter b. 1705, d. before 1708Neuteboom, Wouter b. 1708Noteboom, Maarten b. 1698Tijs, Jacomijntje b. circa 1640
- 15 October 2018
Bakker, Klaas Harms b. 1758Bakker, Roelof b. 1760Bakker?, Roelof Jans d. before 1756van Agteren, Hilligjen Harms b. 1754
- 26 August 2018
Keet, Celitge Jansdr b. circa 1604, d. circa 1674Post, Annetge (Jansdr?) b. 1663, d. 1711van Adrichem, Pieter Francke b. circa 1600, d. circa 1651
- 10 December 2017
- Lamping, David Erasmo b. 1960
- 12 November 2017
- (?), Cornelis Jansz b. circa 1727(?), Jan b. circa 1700de Ronde, Arij b. 1789, d. 1846Deurhof, Maria Hendriksdr b. 1801Kiela, Cornelia b. 1781, d. 1815Kiela, Cornelis Thijsz b. 1680, d. 1729Kiela, Dirk b. circa 1626Kiela, Dirk Thijsz b. after 1680Kiela, Elisabeth b. 1785, d. 1855Kiela, Jan b. 1783, d. 1817Kiela, Klaas b. 1798, d. 1850Kiela, Klara b. 1791Kiela, Mathijs Cornelisz b. 1712, d. 1760Kiela, Sara b. 1787Kiela, Sara b. 1788Kiela, Thijs Dirksz b. circa 1655, d. 1716Kiela, Thomas b. 1796Kiela, Thomas Mathijsz b. 1746Koning, Petronella b. 1802van der Vaart, Maartje b. 1756, d. 1847van der Velde, Magteld Jansdr b. 1756
- 3 November 2017
- Kiela, Petronella b. 1830
- 27 January 2017
Moor, Maria Clementina b. 1803, d. 1888
- 19 June 2016
Justina, Maria Leonora b. 1861, d. 1950
- 18 June 2016
- Calvenhoven, Theodorus Andries b. 1836, d. 1884del Carmen, Maria b. circa 1787Justina, Eugenio Martinus b. 1864, d. 1866Justina, Ignacio Martis b. 1849, d. 1902Justina, Jose Maria b. 1867, d. 1892LaCroes, Felipie b. 1797LaCroes, Rufina Gustina b. circa 1828, d. 1913Rovina, Maria Polonia "Shimaraja" b. 1847, d. 1918
- 14 June 2016
LaCroes, Maria Hendrietta b. 1816, d. 1865LaCroes, Martien Conception b. 1817LaCroes, Martina Prudencia d. 1872Lamping, Philippus Wilhelmus Johannes b. 1858, d. 1904
- 13 June 2016
- 5 June 2016
- Bekker, (Andries) Willem Frederik b. circa 1783Bekker, Andries Willem Frederik b. 1813, d. 1883
- 29 May 2016
- Gerber, Louise(a) Frederika Augustina b. 1830, d. 1899Gerber, Petrus Adrianus b. 1796, d. 1854
- 24 May 2016
- Bekker, Anna Sophia Elizabeth b. 1868, d. 1870Bekker, Catharina Dorothea Elisabeth b. 1852, d. 1853Bekker, Johan August Frederik b. 1866, d. 1867Bekker, Reiniera Concordia b. 1856Bekker, Wilhelmina b. 1863Bekker, Willem Evertsz Adrianus b. 1849, d. 1851
- 26 December 2015
Onstein, Jan (Joannem) b. 1660
- 25 December 2015
de Rijck, Gisbert b. circa 1680de Rijck, Wilhelma Catharina b. 1756
- 24 December 2015
- de Rijck, Esther b. 1706
- 22 December 2015
- 20 December 2015
- de Rijck, Henricus Ignatius b. 1713
- 31 May 2015
(van Putten?), Henric b. circa 1520Bakhuis, Everdijna Aalberts b. 1748Bakhuis, Gerrit b. 1759Bakhuis, Hendrik Jan b. 1757, d. 1820Bakhuis, Jannetjen (Aalberts) b. 1754Bakhuis, Lambert b. 1750Bakhuis, Roeloft b. 1752Beltman, Geertjen Jans b. 1753Bosch, Bartha Gosens b. circa 1655Jans, Aaltjen [Bakhuis?] b. 1781Jans, Aaltjen [Bakhuis?] b. 1784Jans, Jan [Bakhuis?] b. 1786Jans, Maria [Bakhuis?] b. 1779Motze, Derk d. 1831van Putten, Ar(e)nt Hendricks b. circa 1620, d. circa 1660van Putten, Arndt Hendricx b. circa 1550, d. 1634van Putten, Giesbert Jansz b. circa 1650van Putten, Hendrik Arnts b. 1585, d. 1635van Putten, Jan Hendriks b. circa 1630
- 30 May 2015
- Egberts, Gijsbert b. before 1733, d. 1813Geesbers, Teuntjen d. 1829Giesberts, Egbert b. 1704ten Hoope, Aaltje Gerrits b. 1739, d. 1810van Putten, Evert Henricx b. circa 1535van Putten, Gijsbert Henricx b. circa 1560
- 25 May 2015
- de Rijck, Petronilla Josepha b. 1756
- 23 October 2014
- (van der Spijck), Aem b. circa 1470
- 20 October 2014
- Bussinck, Herman b. before 1366, d. after 1424Patijn, Daniel b. 1684, d. 1737van Wolfswinkel, Kornelia b. 1684, d. 1755Wolfswinkel, Maria b. 1686, d. before 1688Wolfswinkel, Pieter b. 1692
- 19 October 2014
Colijns, Martijntje b. 1653van Wolfswinkel, Johanna b. 1691Wolfsswinckel, Gijsbert b. circa 1656
- 18 October 2014
- Wolfswinkel, Maria b. 1688
- 16 October 2014
Wolfswinkel, Maria b. 1685, d. before 1686
- 15 October 2014
- 27 September 2014
- Blaauw, Egberdina "Dien" b. 1919, d. 2006Lampink, Hendrik b. 1949Lampink, Jan Leendert b. 1914, d. 1997Lampink, Monique b. 1977Martha, Reuter b. 1955
- 17 August 2014
Meijer, Kornelis b. 1733Meijer, Maria b. circa 1759, d. 1831van der Elst, Marijtje d. 1777Wolfwinkel, Maria b. 1728, d. 1810
- 15 August 2014
- Wolfswinckel, Martijnus b. 1672
- 7 June 2014
- Vetter, Dorothy Helen b. 1932, d. 1996
- 29 December 2013
- Kalfhoven, Juliana Maria b. 1865, d. 1946
- 29 September 2013
- Eckhoff, Frederick b. 1829, d. 1892Lamping, Elisabeth b. 1832, d. 1881
- 15 September 2013
de Wolfswijnckel, Jan b. 1664Gerber, Peter (Petrus) b. 1761, d. 1842Lamping, Lydia Poppea b. 1916van Wolffswinckel, Anthony b. circa 1634van Wolffswinckel, Elisabeth b. 1677van Wolffswinckel, Reijnctie b. 1674van Wolfwinckel, Pieter b. 1663von Bannisseht, Marie Alexandrine Caroline b. 1894, d. 1939Waller Diemont, Albert Bernard George b. 1916, d. 1995Waller Diemont, Charles Bernard Hendricus b. 1888, d. 1945Wolfswinckel, Geertruijd b. 1667
- 12 September 2013
van Dort, Johannes Theodorus b. 1911
- 8 September 2013
Bussinck, Burchardt b. 1470, d. 1536Bussinck, Dirich b. 1570Bussinck, Dirich (Theodor) b. 1595, d. 1686Bussinck, Eilhard b. 1440, d. 1500Bussinck, Gertrude d. 1694Bussinck, Herman b. 1535Bussinck, Hermanzoon b. circa 1400Bussinck, Tobias (Tebbe) b. 1510, d. 1580Lamping, Hermanus b. circa 1649, d. 1719Lamping, James Edward b. 1952, d. 2006
- 7 September 2013
Berendsen, Johanna b. 1808, d. 1848Berendsen, Wanerdine b. 1803, d. 1842Elfers, Geertruida b. 1877Elfers, Hendrik b. 1871Kösters, Berendina b. 1824, d. 1868Lamping, Anna Mae b. 1933Lamping, Catharina Wilhelmina Sophia Charlotte b. 1819, d. 1894Lamping, Diena b. 1846Lamping, Ernst August b. 1837, d. 1839Lamping, Frans Hindrik b. between 1775 and 1781Lamping, Friederich Wilhelm b. 1848, d. 1949Lamping, Friederich Wilhelm b. 1810Lamping, Gerhard Carl Ds b. 1707, d. 1766Lamping, Johanna b. 1836, d. 1853Lamping, Johanna Femia b. 1850Lampink, Anna Maria b. 1800, d. 1873Lampink, Bernard b. 1869, d. 1942Lampink, Diederika Henrietta Regina b. 1782, d. 1853Lampink, Fenne Wilhelmina b. 1830, d. 1839Lampink, Franz Wilhelm Leonard b. 1856Lampink, Frederika Gerridina b. 1835Lampink, Johan Christian b. circa 1804, d. 1873Lampink, Johan Friederich Christian b. 1860, d. 1863Lampink, Johanna Harmina Hendrietta b. 1833, d. 1891Lampink, Johannes Hindrikus b. 1841Lampink, Marinus Cornelis Lampink b. circa 1906, d. 1908Lampink, Sophia Carolina b. 1854Lampink, Swenne Gesina b. 1852Lampink, Wilhelmina Fransina b. 1836Oosterwijk, Hinderika Geertruida b. 1826Wichard, Jan b. 1838Woltering, Jan b. 1837
- 2 September 2013
- (?), Jesus Maria Telesforo Trom b. 1915
Lamping, Piet Wilhelm b. 1894, d. 1979
Trom, Carla Josefa b. 1947Trom, Humprey Filomeno b. 1945Tromp, Ena Teofila b. 1909, d. 1980 - 1 September 2013
- Lamping, Frank b. 1865
- 31 August 2013
- Albers, George b. circa 1849Albers, Josephine b. circa 1851Albers, Mary b. 1857, d. 1925Lamping, August (A.) b. 1883, d. 1947Lamping, Elisebeth b. 1862Lamping, Frances b. circa 1889Lamping, Frank b. circa 1893Lamping, Gertrude b. circa 1891Lamping, Heinrich Anton b. 1818Lamping, Josephine b. circa 1887Lamping, Marie b. circa 1898
- 29 August 2013
- Jansenius, Barta Anna Helena b. 1745Lamping, Arnold Wilhelm b. 1737, d. 1805Lamping, Carel Andries Dr b. 1837, d. 1917Lamping, Friedrich Adolf Mauritz b. 1739, d. 1767
- 15 March 2013
- van Woudenberg, Lilian Evelyn b. 1944, d. 2004van Woudenberg, Vivian Patricia b. 1947
- 2 February 2013
Tromp, Anna Juanita b. 1852, d. 1918
- 24 January 2013
- Calvenhoven, Maria Josefita b. 1870, d. 1930Croes, Antonia b. 1884Croes, Martilia Menencia d. 1942Trom, Petrus Adrianus b. 1884
Tromp, Hendrik Simon "papachi" b. 1876, d. 1954
- 23 January 2013
- 21 January 2013
Lamping, Robert Franklin b. 1962
- 12 January 2013
Lamping, Edith Josepha b. 1928
- 6 January 2013
de Jongh, John Aniseto d. 1951
- 5 January 2013
- (?), Joseph Bernard b. 1861, d. 1862(?), Margareth Juliet b. 1853, d. 1856(?), William Martis b. 1859, d. 1878Calvenhoven, Therecilia b. 1862, d. 1916de Jongh, Arturo b. 1886Kalvenhoven, Julia Genoveva b. 1866, d. 1866Kalvenhoven, Justina Rufina b. 1863Kalvenhoven, Petronie b. 1834van Uiter, Mart(h)a b. 1797
- 2 January 2013
Kalvenhoven, Amalia b. 1837Kalvenhoven, Leonora b. 1821Kalvenhoven, Lucien b. 1838
- 29 December 2012
- Gerber, Johann b. 1780, d. 1838Gerber, Niklaus b. 1771Gerber, Samuel b. 1768
- 28 December 2012
- Tromp, Maria Juliana b. before 1837
- 23 December 2012
- 2 December 2012
- (?), Carolus Albertus b. 1849, d. 1849(?), Johanna Henrietta b. 1846, d. 1848(?), Joseph Gabriel b. 1851, d. 1851(?), Juliana Paulina b. 1843(?), Martens Leopol b. 1840, d. 1869Calvenhoven, Alfonso Dominico b. 1879Calvenhoven, Angelina Mathilda b. 1837Calvenhoven, Eliza Ignacia b. 1853, d. 1906Calvenhoven, Eugenio Gerardus b. 1876Calvenhoven, Maria Magdalena b. 1872, d. 1931Calvenhoven, Proto Yacinto b. 1867Kalvenhoven, Lambertina b. 1819Tromp, Ismael Arcadio b. 1898, d. 1970
- 4 June 2012
- Lamping, Johann Arnold Philip b. 1791, d. 1797Lamping, Trijntje b. 1801
- 3 June 2012
Borgesius, Helena Hermania b. 1820, d. 1852Heckman, Ettina Hermina b. 1835Lamping,
b. 1789, d. 1789 Lamping, Anton Friedrich b. 1778, d. 1811Lamping, Arnold Wilhelm b. 1793Lamping, Carel Nicolaas Ds b. 1772, d. 1836Lamping, Friedericha (Frederike) Wilhelmina b. 1774, d. 1843Lamping, Gerard Maurits b. between 1767 and 1772Lamping, Gerhard Moritz b. 1775, d. 1808Lamping, Goedhard b. 1848Lamping, Hermanus Frederik b. 1817, d. 1851Lamping, Johanna Amelia b. 1768Lamping, Philip Wilm b. 1758, d. 1840Lamping, Sophia Christina b. 1784Lamping, Sylvester Arnold b. 1823, d. 1871Lamping, Sylvester Wilhelm b. 1788, d. 1853Nagel, Clara Gertrud d. 1771Nagel, Nicolaas Ds. d. 1742Reuter, Catharina b. 1789Reuter, Johannes Henricus Laurentius b. 1751, d. 1798Rump, Anna Bernhardina b. 1749, d. 1832Rump, Anna Gertrud b. 1679, d. 1755Rump, Arnold Johann b. 1673, d. 1743Rump, Arnold Moritz b. 1699Rump, Johanna Margaretha b. 1707, d. 1768van Kámer,, Elisabeth Petronella b. 1764, d. 1815 - 2 June 2012
- (?), Elisabeth van der Graaf b. after 1739, d. 1819Lamping, Willem b. 1806, d. 1874Spijk,_van, Albertus b. 1743, d. 1822Spijk,_van, Gijsbert b. 1779, d. 1810van Spijk, Maartje b. 1803, d. 1882Verdoes, Aafje b. before 1779, d. 1866
- 1 June 2012
Lamping, Arnold Theodoor b. 1893, d. 1970
Lamping, Hildegard Christine b. 1924
Lamping, Isaac Arnold b. 1831, d. 1905Lamping, Willem Arnold(us) Mr b. 1863, d. 1922van der Schalk, Maria Jacoba Simonetta b. 1834, d. 1915van Hooff, Adam b. 1838van Hooff, Christina b. 1871, d. 1930van Hooff, Maria Beata b. 1873, d. 1936von Treu, Gerda E. M. JonkVr. b. 1900
- 28 May 2012
- 7 May 2012
- Post, Joris Jansz d. 1641Theunisdr, Annitgen d. before 1656
- 6 May 2012
Post, Joest Joriszn b. circa 1520, d. circa 1598Post, Joris Jansz b. circa 1494, d. before 1558Post, Maertje Pieters d. 1695Post, Pieter Adriaansz b. circa 1570, d. 1645
- 5 May 2012
- Post, Cornelis Jansz b. circa 1536, d. before 1600
- 4 May 2012
- (?), Grietje Jansen b. circa 1540?Post, Cornelis Pietersz b. circa 1585Post, Cornelisz Jansz b. circa 1510, d. 1558Post, Jan b. circa 1460Post, Pieter Cornelisz b. circa 1540Post, Pieter Pietersz b. circa 1598?
- 2 May 2012
Post, Pieter Fransz b. circa 1587
- 29 April 2012
- (van der Spijck), Aem Pieters b. circa 1530, d. after 1615Lamping, Teunis b. 1831, d. 1878Rosendael, Fransina b. circa 1633Spijk,_van, Catharina b. 1770, d. 1813van der Spijck, Pieter Aemen b. 1569, d. circa 1612van der Spijk, Cornelis Claesz b. circa 1633Verdoes, Arend Pietersz b. 1671Verdoes, Teunis b. circa 1753, d. 1801
- 28 December 2011
(?), Niesje d. before 1704Kiers, Geesje Hendriks d. before 1667Steenbergen, Arend Roelof b. circa 1720Steenbergen, Arend Roelofs b. circa 1650, d. between 1724 and 1725Steenbergen, Arent Roelofs b. circa 1590, d. after 1635Steenbergen, Coop b. circa 1525Steenbergen, Coop d. before 1521Steenbergen, Engelbert b. circa 1420Steenbergen, Hendrik b. circa 1380Steenbergen, Johan b. circa 1340Steenbergen, Roelof b. circa 1555Steenbergen, Roelof Arends b. circa 1680, d. between 1744 and 1752Steenbergen, Roelof Arends b. circa 1620, d. after 1701Steenbergen, Roelof Coops b. circa 1490, d. circa 1548
- 16 October 2011
- Lamping, Edna Juliana Maria b. 1927Lubeek, Roy d. 2011
- 28 May 2011
- Smits, Jenneke b. 1909, d. 1960
- 17 April 2011
- Clausen, Richard b. 1945, d. 2005
- 24 March 2011
- Lamping, Jelle Donald b. 1995Nauta, Iris b. 1960
- 3 February 2011
Boeve, Willem Willems b. circa 1525Diekerman, Harmen Jansen Plagger b. 1696, d. 1747Hermens, Merri b. circa 1550Hoefman, Aeldert b. 1762, d. 1789Hoefman, Albert b. 1833Hoefman, Albert b. 1798, d. 1880Motze, Geertjen b. About 1810 - 1815, d. 1860Rutgers, Thoenisken b. circa 1580Spijker, Aaltje Jans Theunis b. 1663ten Hoope, Gerrit Jansz b. 1703van Putten, Everts Tijmen b. 1702van Putten, Janna b. 1778, d. 1826van Putten, Tijmen Jans b. circa 1655van Regteren / Rechterschot, Hendrik Jan b. 1751, d. 1813van Regteren, Janna b. 1835
- 1 February 2011
- Bedel, Marie E. b. 1901, d. 1979Davis, Faye Eileen b. 1917, d. 2008
Lamping, Carl E. b. 1918, d. 1991
Lamping, John A. b. 1901, d. 1987
Lamping, Milton John Frederick b. 1890, d. 1959
Lamping, Toby b. 1981, d. 2004
Maxwell, Alan William b. 1960
Tromp, Elsa Francisca b. 1911, d. 2005
Tromp, Maria Juliana b. 1902, d. 1936
- 31 January 2011
Jacobsdr, Lijsbeth d. before 1620Post, Cornelis Fransz b. circa 1592Post, Cornelis [Jansz] b. 1659Post, Franck [Jansz] b. 1668Post, Franckje b. 1666Post, Jan Fransz b. circa 1597Post, Jannitgen Fransdr b. 1599Post, Maritgen Fransdr b. circa 1584Post, Pieter b. 1657
- 20 December 2010
Nieuhof, Albert b. 1673Nieuhoff, Elisabeth b. 1710Nieuhoff, Jannetie b. 1710Smits, Johannes Antonie b. 1747
- 19 December 2010
Bakker, Elisabeth d. 1825Neuhoof, Josaan b. 1678Nieuhof, Hendrik b. 1675Smits, Willem b. 1784
- 18 December 2010
- Enders, Jacoba b. 1803, d. 1866Hoefman, Jenneke b. circa 1876Nuijs, Clasina Jacoba b. 1828, d. 1864Rijke, Pieternella Johanna b. 1852Smits, Albertus Marinus Johannes d. 1913Smits, Cornelis b. 1886, d. 1962Smits, Cornelis b. 1823, d. 1900Smits, Cornelis Laurens b. 1856, d. 1924
- 21 March 2010
- Lampinck, Busso b. circa 1640, d. 1724
- 28 March 2009
- Gerber, Elisabeth Adriana b. 1820Gerber, Elizabeth Anna b. circa 1825, d. 1887Gerber, Maria Pieternella b. circa 1819Gerber, Samuel b. 1831Streeder, Hester Maria "Aannatje" b. 1791, d. 1845
- 27 January 2009
Perret-Gentil, Ninon b. 1955
- 26 January 2009
- Goos, Maggie b. 1933, d. 2009
- 12 October 2008
- Doyle, Paul Raymond b. 1949Moldonado, Fabiola b. 1969
- 11 October 2008
- Druhe, Regina d. 1924Werner, Mathias b. 1840, d. 1918
- 7 October 2008
- Lampinck, Johannes b. circa 1614, d. 1667Lamping, Anna Amalia Gertrud b. 1743RUMP, Anna Amalie b. circa 1668, d. after 1743
- 6 October 2008
- Himmelhaver, Loretta M. b. circa 1939
- 4 October 2008
Lamping, Corné Jeffrey b. 1995
Lamping, Richard Rupert b. 1935- 15 September 2008
- Lamping, Thomas Eugene b. 1955, d. 2007
- 29 July 2008
- Bekker, Anatje Maria Sophia b. 1861, d. 1928Jacobs, Michael George b. 1961, d. 1993Jacobs, Simona Christina b. 1971Jacobs, Vincent Paul b. 1970Jacobs, William George Hubert b. 1936, d. 2004van Woudenberg, Cornelis b. 1908, d. 1952van Woudenberg, Ingrid b. 1939
- 4 February 2008
Frake, Mary Laurel b. 1958Lamping, Fred A "Bud" b. 1913, d. 2007Lamping, Sarah Elizabeth b. 2001Lamping, William Paul b. 1957
- 6 October 2007
Trenidad, Richmar "Rick" Anthony b. 1959
- 30 September 2007
- Lamping, Fred b. circa 1846
- 23 September 2007
- (?), Charlotte b. circa 1834, d. before 1920(?), Lucille b. circa 1897Fodness, Esther E. b. 1910Lamping, Adelia F. b. 1837, d. 1902Lamping, Calvin b. circa 1857Lamping, Carl Albert b. 1893, d. 1987Lamping, John b. circa 1854Lamping, Samuel b. circa 1828, d. before 1880
Lamping, Sarah Thoner b. 1985
Lamping, William b. circa 1859 - 17 September 2007
- Griese, Antoinette b. 1855Lamping, Frances b. 1854, d. 1932Lamping, Henry Francis b. 1849, d. 1921Lamping, Jo Ann Sylvia b. 1939Lamping, Johann (Joan) Fridericus b. 1808, d. 1856Thole, Maria Anna b. 1808, d. 1874
- 16 September 2007
- (?), Armanda B b. circa 1883Lamping, Anthony b. 1770Lamping, Carl E. b. circa 1913Lamping, Dominik (Dominic(i)) b. circa 1722, d. 1802Lamping, Doris M. b. circa 1910Lamping, Frederick b. circa 1817Lamping, Frederick b. circa 1859Lamping, Frederick E. b. 1877Lamping, Fredrick E b. circa 1907Lamping, George b. circa 1846Lamping, Howard W b. circa 1911Lamping, Josephine b. circa 1842Lamping, Lawrence b. 1905, d. 1975Lamping, Lazetta b. circa 1840Lamping, Louisa b. circa 1875Lamping, Otho F. b. circa 1848Lamping, Otho French b. 1889Lamping, Stanislaus John Mary Joseph b. 1885, d. circa 1955Lamping, William b. circa 1844Seeley, Alfaretta May b. 1916Unknown, Casander b. circa 1817
- 9 September 2007
- 2 September 2007
- Lamping, Andries Nicolaas b. 1839, d. 1913Lamping, Cornelia Maria b. 1839, d. 1930
- 26 August 2007
Lamping, Charles Arthur b. 1970
- 12 August 2007
Aris, Jopge d. 1665Boutesteijn, Jan Cornelisz b. circa 1577, d. circa 1577Boutesteyn, Cornelis Jansz d. 1586Gerrits, Aechtge d. circa 1613Kossinck, Kerst b. circa 1470, d. before 1529Laykink, Mechtelt b. circa 1470, d. ca 1544 - 1545Loijkink, Harmen b. circa 1570, d. circa 1637Loijtinck, Berent b. circa 1611Rocuss Boudesteyn, Trijntje b. 1642, d. 1705Ruyghaver, Maritje Pieters d. between 1683 and 1694toe Lintom, Johan b. circa 1565, d. between 1641 and 1644van der Leeuw, Andries Joosten b. circa 1615, d. 1684van der Leeuw, Jan Andriesz. d. 1679van der Leeuw, Joost Jansz b. circa 1579, d. 1649van Engelen, Beatrix Dircksdr. d. after 1642
- 5 August 2007
Bakker, Daniel Aertsz b. circa 1638Bakker, Leendert Danielsz b. 1668, d. 1745Bakker, Maria Leenderts b. 1707Beer, Annetje Leenders b. circa 1665Croon, Emmichje Johannis d. 1664Meester, Klaas Jansz b. 1675Meester, Neeltje Claassen b. 1683, d. 1718Riedkerk, Engeltje Jans b. 1668Trompert, Engeltje Fredriks b. 1732, d. 1807Trompert, Fredrik b. 1710Trompert, Joost Frederiksz d. circa 1675Trompert, Joost Leendertsz b. circa 1606, d. circa 1645van der Vlies, Jacob b. circa 1701van der Vlies, Pieter Jacobs b. 1733Vlies,_van_der, Maartje d. 1844
- 31 December 2006
Hendriks, Jan b. circa 1690Jans, Jantje b. circa 1660Jans, Lammigje b. circa 1720, d. after 1785op den Vogelsanck, Lambert b. circa 1635Stevens, Woltertje b. circa 1688Vogelsanck, Steven Lamberts b. circa 1660Vogelzang, Klaas Jans b. circa 1720Vogelzank, Hilligje Klaas b. 1746, d. 1815
- 29 December 2006
- (?), Freerk Tiessens b. 1741, d. 1796Abrahams, Jentje b. 1750Bakker, Hendrik Klaas b. 1789, d. 1847Berents, Hendrik b. circa 1635, d. after 1688Edskens, Wigboldt b. circa 1635, d. before 1681Egberts, Wigbolt b. circa 1575Emmeriks, Geesje b. juli 1701Everts, Emmerik b. circa 1660Feckes, Edske d. after 1667Geerts, Michiel b. circa 1605, d. before 1662Hendriks, Jentje b. 1663Jacobs, Remcke b. circa 1610, d. after 1662Jans, Abraham b. 1725Jans, Femmigje b. circa 1640, d. before 1684Jans, Reintje b. 1695Klaassens, Fennigje b. 1703Koedze, Geertje Klaassens b. 1800, d. before 1857Koedze, Klaas Jans b. 1770Matheussen, Anna Maria b. 1678Michielsen, Trijntjen b. circa 1645, d. circa 1708Reentjes, Janneke d. before 1726Rientjes, Roelefjen b. 1743, d. 1796Rogaar, Derk Jansen b. circa 1674Rogaar, Remke Freerks b. 1771, d. 1848Rogaar, Ties Derks b. 1700, d. 1787van Gijssel, Roelof Alberts b. circa 1744, d. 1816van Gijssel, Trijntje Roelofs b. 1786, d. 1847Wassens, Jan Geerts b. 1800, d. 1872Wigbolts, Engeltjen b. circa 1674, d. before 1708Wigbolts, Hille b. circa 1605, d. after 1664Willems, Remke b. circa 1707, d. before 1748
- 27 December 2006
- Bakker, Jantien Klaas b. 1825, d. 1867Linde, Jentien b. 1848, d. 1887
- 26 December 2006
- Alberts, Remmeltje b. circa 1620Bos, Hendrik (Wolters) Jans b. 1715Bos, Jan Herms b. circa 1620, d. before 1668Bosch, Herman Jans b. circa 1655Bosch, Jan Hermans b. 1686Bosch, Jantien Harms b. 1789, d. 1862Hendriks, Geertje b. 1695Hendriks, Marrigje b. 1665Linde, Klaas Koerts b. circa 1779, d. 1825Roelofs, Lummigje b. circa 1720
- 24 December 2006
- Bolling, Trijntje b. 1830, d. 1876Koerts, Harm Bosch b. 1818, d. 1887Linde, Gerard b. 1903, d. 1982Linde, Harm b. 1867, d. 1933van Delden, Lummigje b. 1902, d. 1931Wassens, Geertje b. 1865, d. 1931Wassens, Harm b. 1836, d. 1924Wassens, Margje b. 1860, d. 1941
- 13 March 2006
Keller, Maria Theresia b. 1800, d. 1845
- 12 March 2006
- Ewers, Ann Maria Gertrud b. 1781, d. 1824Lamping, Anna Maria Francisca b. 1828Lamping, Anna Maria Sophia b. 1823Lamping, Anton Joseph b. 1821Lamping, Bernhard Heinrich b. 1812Lamping, Elisabeth b. 1838Lamping, Franciscus Adolphus b. 1834Lamping, Henrich Anton b. 1832, d. 1833Lamping, Henricus Antonius b. 1784, d. 1827Lamping, Henrizus b. 1822Lamping, Joannes Henricus Joseph b. 1790, d. 1838Lamping, Johan Henrich b. 1825Lamping, Johann b. 1814Lamping, Johann Heinrich Anton b. 1817Lamping, Joseph b. 1815, d. 1890
- 11 March 2006
Lamping, Bernard Henrich b. 1823Lamping, Catharina Gertrud b. 1825, d. 1827Lamping, Fridericus b. 1833Lamping, Johan Henrich Joseph b. 1821, d. 1903Lamping, Maria Francisca b. 1828, d. 1894Lamping, Theodor Henricus b. 1780, d. 1860
- 8 March 2006
- Lamping, Anna b. 1713Meyers, Anna b. circa 1658Oldehaus, Anna Catharina b. circa 1782Oldehaus, Henrich b. circa 1652Oldehaus, Herman b. circa 1778Oldehuss, Helena b. circa 1687Oldehuß, Johan Henrich b. 1683
- 7 March 2006
Lamping, Diederich (Theodorus) b. 1676Spiegelberg, Katharina b. circa 1638
- 26 February 2006
Lamping, Hermann Hinrich b. 1801, d. 1865Lamping, Joannes Bernardus b. 1798, d. 1798Lamping, Joannes Heinrich Antonius b. 1749/50, d. 1817Lamping, Johann Bernard b. 1815, d. 1817Lamping, Maria Anna b. 1799, d. 1800Lamping, Maria Elisabeth b. 1812, d. 1851Lamping, Maria Elisabeth b. 1816Lamping, Maria Gertrud b. 1804, d. 1818Lautenbach, Maria Francisca Josepha b. 1773, d. 1841
- 25 February 2006
Lamping, Anna Maria b. 1751Lamping, Bernard Henricus b. 1778Lamping, Catharina Maria b. 1754, d. 1797Lamping, Joannes Henricus b. 1796Lamping, Mary Bernardina d. 1881Scheele, John Joseph b. 1825, d. 1902
- 23 February 2006
- Lamping, Anna Gertrude b. 1709
- 22 February 2006
- Lamping, Herman Henricus b. 1749/50Lamping, Joannes b. 1754Lamping, Joannes Heinrich b. 1719/20Lamping, Maria Adelheid b. 1743Lamping, Veronica b. 1745/46
- 12 February 2006
Lampink, Henricus Antonius b. 1802Lampink, Margaretha Elisabetha b. 1801
- 29 January 2006
- Godard, Susan Josephine b. circa 1815, d. 1897Lamping, James Augustus b. 1861, d. 1948Lamping, Joseph Anthony II b. 1810, d. 1887Lamping, Robert John b. 1879, d. 1949Lemons, Robert John Joseph b. 1879, d. 1947Smith, Mary Ann b. 1871, d. 1955Turling, Carrie d. 1936
- 22 January 2006
- 16 January 2006
Lamping, Benjamin Grant b. 2005Lamping, Donald Wayne b. 1969Lamping, Eric Joseph b. 2003Lamping, Evan Wayne b. 1999
- 31 December 2005
- Lamping, Johanna Geertruida Amelia b. 1812, d. 1905
- 30 December 2005
- van der Leeuw, Jan b. circa 1540
- 29 December 2005
- Eede,_van, Andre b. 1969Eede,_van, Paul b. 1969Lamping, Mark Anton b. 1962
- 26 December 2005
- Lambing, Christopher (Michael) d. circa 1816Lambing, Henricus b. 1761, d. 1808Lampinck, Berndt b. before 1577Lamping, (Joseph) Anthony b. circa 1770, d. 1828Lamping, Albert Hinrich b. 1727Lamping, Christof Gabriel b. 1803, d. 1873Lamping, Dirk H. b. before 1816