Genealogical Office Lamping Family
How to help

Dear namesake,

Since 1980 I am researching the Lamping family.

My main goal is to link all the living Lampings together and keep record of their current addresses. In the past it was very difficult to register all the information. But nowadays there are splendid computer programs which can do the job. Now it comes to your willingness to help me.

On the next page I explain how you can help me. What can I do in return?
I promise you to send you a nicely printed list of descendants of your earliest ancestor as soon as I entered your information into the computer. Before that I shall try to link your tree to other information already in the database.

If you have any other questions concerning the Lamping research, please write. There are about 1200 families or more using the name Lamping. A lot of information will become available through this research. To send it to all these members will cost a few trees. Family reports and so on will be send charging a little bit more than cost-price (paper & stamps), which is reasonable I think. This way it covers my research costs.

Most of the information you can find on the internet. At: http://www.robertlampingnl/genea/

I would appreciate your help very much. And I am looking forward to your letter or E-mail message. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Yours sincerely,

Robert Franklin Lamping
