Direct line from Robert Lamping to Peter Gerber
(1) Robert Franklin Lamping (61). Robert (61) was born on 19 Aug 1962, at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles.
(2) 2. Richard Rupert Lamping (62). Richard (62) was born on 18 Jan 1935, at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles.
(3) 4. Piet Wilhelm Lamping (173). Piet (173) was born on 9 Nov 1894, at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles. Piet (173) died 3 Jun 1979 at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles, at age 84.
(4) 9. Anatje Maria Sophia Bekker (178). Anatje (178) was born on 28 Aug 1861, at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles. (unclear birthdates: 23 apr 1863 / 28 aug 1861 ).
The midwife Maria Thomas, accompagnied by Martijn lacroes and Arnoldus Alvenaar as witnesses gave notice of the birth. The birth notice is in dutch, but it was spoken out loud in the "landstaal" nation language (Here: papiamentu). Midwife and witnesses could not write. Her mother Louisa Gerber lived on Klein Curacao, but came to the main island Curacao to give birth to Anatje. It is yet unclear where she stayed.
Andries Bekker and Louisa Gerber, were living at Klein Curaçao. At the time of giving birth, Louisa was at Curacao. It is not clear whether Andries Bekker was at Curaçao too. Anatje (178) died 3 Mar 1928 at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles, at age 66.
(5) 19. Louise(a) Frederika Augustina Gerber (5751). Louise(a) (5751) was born on 17 Oct 1830. Louise(a) (5751) died 11 Mar 1899 at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles, at age 68. In her death certificate Louisa is named "Louisa Augustina Federica Redolfina Gerber". Her mother is mentioned as Aannatje Maria Streeder. The death was given notice by Ale "Jorna/Joma/Jana?", the "Hervormd Protestantsche Aanspreker", spokesman of the Reformed Protestant Church.
She dies at half past two in the afternoon. She lived in the Stadsdistrict at Willemstad. No profession.
(6) 38. Petrus Adrianus Gerber (8496). Petrus (8496) was born on 24 Feb 1796, at Den Haag, The Netherlands. Petrus (8496) died 27 Oct 1854 at Willemstad, Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles, at age 58. The Hospitaal Meester, Johannes Frederik Gerlein, gave notice of his death. Petrus died at six o'clock in the morning.
(7) 76. Peter (Petrus) Gerber (8499). Peter (8499) was born on 18 Sep 1761, at Sumiswald, Switzerland. Peter's birthdate was found in the Registre Civique which was set up a list of those people who have the right to vote. Also the year 1762 was found in another document. Peter was born in Sumiswald and this evidence was found in his death certificate. Peter (8499) died 14 Feb 1842 at Den Haag, The Netherlands, at age 80.