General information:
Anthony LAMPING #3825 was born circa 1770. Anthony died August 10, 1828.
Marie NEDDO #3826 was born May 15, 1778. Marie died February 28, 1856 at 77 years of age.
They married May 26, 1794. Their marriage record was found in St. Andrew marriage register.
As a young man he lived temporarily in Pennsylvania, but set out for the frontierlands and ended up in northern New York state about 1790 where he settled in Massena, along the St. Lawrence River. Massena is located directly across the river from Ontario (then known as Upper Canada) and Quebec. Directly across the river is Cornwall, Ontario and east of Massena is Quebec and the St. Regis Indian Reservation. The history of the Lamping family takes place on both sides of the St. Lawrence River in Canada and the United States. The New York side of the river was sparsely populated at this time, while the Canadian side was quite well populated. After the American Revolution many of the colonists who had supported the King of England in the conflict were no longer welcome in the newly formed United States. Since the province of Upper Canada (later called Ontario) belonged to England, many went there and were given land grants for their loyalty during the Revolution. Thus Cornwall, Ontario was full of American colonists who had been driven out of their homes in the U.S. There was also much immigration from Scotland and Ireland and other European countries to Cornwall, as well as much French influence in this area since Montreal and the province of Quebec were very close. There was also a great Indian presence because of the St. Regis Reservation. In late 1797 it is known that Anthony and Marie Lamping were living in Cornwall. On October 25 of that year both Anthony and Marie filed applications for land grants from the king. Land grants were given to people who had been loyal to the king during the American Revolution (they were called "Loyalists" or "Tories") and their children. Marie's father, Louis Nedo (possibly a corruption of the French, Nadeau) had been a Loyalist, and therefore Marie was entitled to land from the English government. Anthony also made an application for land, it is not certain if he actually received it. Whether Anthony was a Tory or if his family had some Tory connections is not certain at present. It is known that Anthony had taken the required Oath of Allegiance to the king and lived in Cornwall at this time and was a Hatter by trade. Anthony and Marie were also involved in farming. They owned some grasslands on the New York side of the river. On June 24, 1800, Anthony Lamping, along with several others, signed a petition asking the governor of New York State, John Jay, to provide protection for their cattle from the St. Regis Indians. It seems the cattle sometimes wandered onto Indian grasslands and they would kill them.
"To His Excellency, John Jay, Escq., Governor of the State of New York in council. The petition of several persons, whose names are hereunto subscribed, settlers in the townships of Massena, and Louisville, on the banks of the river St. Lawrence, in the state of New York. Humbly representeth; that the Indian chiefs and warriors of St. Regis, are possessed of a tract of land, chiefly wild meadow, extending from the mouth of Grass river, in the township of Massena, up to the fal ls, which is about seven miles. That your petitioners having settled in the said townships Massena and Luoisville; are greatly annoyed by the said Indians, who threaten to kill and destroy their cattle unavoidably trespassing upon these meadows, they being exposed chiefly without fance, and several of their cattle are missing. Your petitioners therefore humbly pray your Excellency, in council, to take such measures of accomodation with the said Indians, as shall seem meet, in order to secure to your petitioners the peacable enjoyment of their lands and property, against the depredations of the said Indians. And your petitioners wille ever pray, &c. Signed, Amos Lay, Mamry Victory, Calvin Plumley, Kinner Newcomb, Samuel Newcomb, G.S. Descoteaux, Wm. Polley, Anthony Lamping, Aaron Allen and two ellegible signatures. Dated June 24 1800."
I am descended from Anthony Lamping, who settled in northern New York State in about 1790. I know that he went there from Pennsylvania and the family tradition is that he came from Holland or Germany, but I have not been able to find when he came or from where. |
There is a story in his family of a dutch origin of the Lampings who came to the USA, with a crest of a lamp on a shield. They originally settled in New York, I don't unfortunately know of any of my ancestors named Lamping from before they came to the U.S. |