Immigration Book Titles For those interested follows a list of books and articles on emigration from Europe (France, Holland, Germany). Please use E-mail for any additions, comments or suggestions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Auswanderung Landratsamter Polizeiprasidium Koln. Computer printout (published?) available at: "Das Hauptstaatsarchiv Dusseldorf", Mauerstrasse, Dusseldorf, Germany. Auswanderer, Aken, Dusseldorf, Koln. Computer printout (published?) available at: "Das Hauptstaatsarchiv Dusseldorf", Mauerstrasse, Dusseldorf, Germany. Boyer Ship Passenger Lists. New York & New Jersey. 1600-1825. 7,700 names. Boyer Ship Passenger Lists. National & New England. 1600-1825. 6,500 names. Boyer Ship Passenger Lists. The South. 1538-1825. 8,700 names. Boyer Ship Passenger Lists. Pennsylvania & Delaware. 1641-1825. 6,500 names. Coldham, Peter Wilson The complete book of emigrants, 1606-1660. List of British emigrants to the S. Coldham, Peter Wilson The complete book of emigrants, 1661-1699 Coldham, Peter Wilson Bonded passengers to America. 1983 Colletta, J. P. They came in ships. Washington 1989 Diffenderffer, F. R. The German Exodus to England in 1790. Published 1897. For reprints see: Tolzman, D. H. Dosseler, E. Die Aus- und Einwanderung Westfalens. In: Westfalische Forschungen. Band 19, 1966. (Available at "Das Hauptstaatsarchiv Dusseldorf, Mauerstrasse, Dusseldorf, Germany) Emigrants from the Attendorn (Germany) area, see: Heimatblatter fur das kurkolnische Sauerland, volumes from around 1948-1958 Faust & Brumbaugh Swiss Emigrants in the 18th Century to the American Colonies. Zurich (1734-1744), Bern (1706-1795) and Basel (1734-1794) archives. 2,300 names. Filby, P. W. Passenger and immigration lists. Index & Supplements. 1981 Filby, P. W. & Glazier Germans to America, 1850-1866. 18 Volumes. 70,500 names indexed per volume. Filby, P. W. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. Preliminary Edition. Fouche, N. Emigration alsacienne Etats-Unis, 1815-1870. Publications de la Sorbonne. Paris, 1992. Gruhne, F. Auswanderungslisten des ehemaligen Herzogtums Braunschweig 1846-1871 (ohne Stadt Braunschweig und Landkreis Holzminden). Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein. Braunschweig, 1971. Hughes, L. E. Hamilton County, Ohio citizenship record abstracts, 1837-1916. Heritage Books, Inc., 1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, Suite 400, Bowie, MD 20716. For questions: Martha Reamy on Compuserve 71271,2042 Jacobs, H. E. The German emigration to America, 1709-1740. Published 1898. For reprints see: Tolzman, D. H. Jansen, Norbert. Nach Amerika! Geschichte der liechtensteinischen Auswanderung nach den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Verlag des Historischen Vereins fuer das Fuerstentum Liechtenstein. Vaduz, 1976. 216 pages. Includes a list of all known emigrants from Liechtenstein to US. Jones Jr, Henry Z. Palatine Families of New York. 2 Volumes. Includes 16,600 German Immigrants arriving in New York in 1710. Laybourn, N. L'emigration des Alsaciens et des Lorrains du XVIIIe au Xxe siecle: essai d'histoire demographique. Association des publications pres les universites de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 1986. Muller, F. Westfalische Auswanderer im 19. Jahrhundert - Auswanderung aus dem regierungsbezirk Munster, I. Teil, 1803-1850. Published in: "Beitrage zur westfalischen Familienforschung". Band 22-24, 1964-1966. Riekenberg, H. Schaumburger Auswanderer 1820-1914. Vol. 48 of Schaumburger Studien, Historische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Schaumburg. Rinteln, 1988. Verlag C. Boesendahl. Distribution: Ernst Knoth, Druckerei und Verlags GmbH, Postfach 226, D-49303 Melle. ISBN: 3-87085-122-3 Rupp, prof. I. D. The Collection of upwards of 30,000 names of immigrants to Pennsylvania etc. Book has been published in German and English. 1898. Reprints available. Schenk & Froelke & Bork Wuerttemberg Emigration Index. 5 Volumes. 59,500 names. Schrader-Muggenthaler Alsace Emigration Book. Volume 1. 13,000 persons who emigrated from or through Alsace, 1740-1875. Ships Passenger Lists. Port of Galveston, Texas. 1846-1871. Galveston Co. Genealogical Society. 7,800 names. Steuart, B. W. (editor) Passenger ships arriving in New York Harbor, Volume 1, 1820-1850. 1991. 25,500 entries. Precision Indexing, PO Box 303, Bountiful, UT 84011. For questions: Martha Reamy on Compuserve 71271,2042 Strassburger, R. B. & Hinke, W. J. Pennsylvania German Pioneers. 2 Volumes. Arrivals at port of Philadelphia 1727-1808. 38,500 names. Genealogical Publishing Co., Dept. MR, 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202-3897. For questions: Martha Reamy on Compuserve 71271,2042 Swieringa, R. P. Dutch Immigration in US ships etc., 1820-1880. Swieringa, R. P. Dutch emigration records 1847-1877. Swieringa, R. P. Dutch households in United States population censuses, 1850, 1860, 1870. Swieringa, R. P. Dutch Immigration in US, SA, South America and S-E Asia. 1835-1880. Tepper, M. American passenger arrival records. A guide to the records of immigrants arriving at American ports by sail and steam. Baltimore 1988 Tepper, M. New World Immigrants. Volume I & II. 1979 Tolzman, D. H. (editor) German immigration to America: the first wave. Reprints of books by Diffenderffer and H. E. Jacobs. Heritage Books, Inc., 1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, Suite 400, Bowie, MD 20716. Tolzman, D. H. (editor) The first Germans in America with a biographical directory of New York. Heritage Books, Inc., 1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, Suite 400, Bowie, MD 20716. For questions: Martha Reamy on Compuserve 71271,2042 Treude, F. Die Auswanderung aus dem kurkolnischen Sauerland im Zuge der Theresianischen Banatbesiedlung 1763-1772. Orders: Kreisverwaltung Olpe, Kreisarchiv, Kurfurst Heinrich Str. 34, 57462 Olpe, Germany. United States Works Projects Administration. Index to records of aliens' declarations of intention and/or oaths of allegiance, 1789-1880, in US circuit courts etc. 11 Volumes compiled by WPA, project number 20837. Wolfert, M. German Immigrants: lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York, 1868-1871, with places of origin. 1993. Previous volumes (1, 2, 3) cover 1847-1867. Genealogical Publishing Co., Dept. MR, 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202-3897. For questions: Martha Reamy on Compuserve 71271,2042 Zimmerman & Wolfert German Immigrants from Bremen to New York. 1847-1862. 2 Volumes. 57,000 individuals. Zimmerman, G. J. & Wolfert, M. German immigrants: Lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York, 1855-1862. 1986 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Addresses of interest: Immigrant Genealogical Society, PO Box 7369, Burbank, CA 91510-7369. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NB: Dates, names, titles, addresses etc. may have changed. No pretence is made to being up to date, complete or 100 % accurate. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Julian Isphording | Compuserve: | | PO Box 1056 | Internet : JISPHORD@EURONET.NL | | 6501 BB Nijmegen | Fax : + 31 80 605991 | | The Netherlands | Tel : + 31 80 231814 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Diffenderffer, F. R. The German Exodus to England in 1790. Published 1897. For reprints see: Tolzman, D. H. Dosseler, E. Die Aus- und Einwanderung Westfalens. In: Westfalische Forschungen. Band 19, 1966. (Available at "Das Hauptstaatsarchiv Dusseldorf, Mauerstrasse, Dusseldorf, Germany) Muller, F. Westfalische Auswanderer im 19. Jahrhundert - Auswanderung aus dem regierungsbezirk Munster, I. Teil, 1803-1850. Published in: "Beitrage zur westfalischen Familienforschung". Band 22-24, 1964-1966. Rupp, prof. I. D. The Collection of upwards of 30,000 names of immigrants to Pennsylvania etc. Book has been published in German and English. 1898. Reprints available. Swieringa, R. P. Dutch emigration records 1847-1877. Tolzman, D. H. (editor) German immigration to America: the first wave. Reprints of books by Diffenderffer and H. E. Jacobs. Heritage Books, Inc., 1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, Suite 400, Bowie, MD 20716. Wolfert, M. German Immigrants: lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York, 1868-1871, with places of origin. 1993. Previous volumes (1, 2, 3) cover 1847-1867. Genealogical Publishing Co., Dept. MR, 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202-3897. For questions: Martha Reamy on Compuserve 71271,2042