Database Genealogical Office Lamping Family

Signs used: Alive and kicking Alive and kicking, Passed away Passed away, Name holder Name holder

# code

Behind a name you may find a code in the format (#), e.g. (#61). This code refers to a unique key in my database. With this code you can easily refer a person.

Short cuts

  Lambin(g)(2)    Lambin(16)    Lambing(157)    Lampig(1)    Lampin(1)    Lampinck(7)    Lamping (Lambing)(2)    Lamping or Lambing(1)    Lamping(1365)    Lampink(24) 

Content In the database I enter any individual named Lamping or any other ways of writing this familyname, like:
LAMPINK, LAMPINCK, LAMPPINCK, LAMPINKS, LAMPINK and the hungarian versions LAMBING, LAMBIN, LAMPIN, LAMBIN and LAMPICH. There are at least 130 LAMBIN families in the USA. These families are subject to research by Warren Lambing [See: Links]

The familytree follows the paternal line. Parents of in-weds are entered. Children of female Lampings are normally entered 1 level deep. If there is a special interest, like relationships between families, more descendants are mentioned. This also happens when the descendants of a Lamping still contact eachother and have family reunions. For the same reasons and maybe even stronger this is also done for ancestors.